We are framily

Anyone that knows me knows I ride hard for my friends and family, they have seen me at my best and at my absolute worst. When I think back to the first time I heard the term "Framily" it was my sweetie pie aka "Nerdy Natural" aka "Go Rita Go" Mrs. Sharita Moulton, we worked at a magical place called the Glenn Hotel. In my life I have cherry picked people along the way that will always be in my life and my Glenn Framily is a huge part of it. 2016 has been a year of transition for me and I have been handling it ok, but I almost broke a few days ago. My car was broken into while I was working A3c festival at The Soundtable. I never drive to Soundtable, I always take Lyft because parking is a mess and it's pretty late when I leave, anyway, I parked on a side street, but when I went to pull my car around to the front, my glove box was open, papers everywhere, but I still had to use my keys to open the car, no windows were broken so I was grateful for that. I have an amazing holiday photo shoot coming up and I am entering 3 huge competitions in the next 10 days and it hit me like a ton of bricks that my bar bag was stolen! Hundreds of dollars worth of tools, my recipes that I have been putting together for years and my vintage bag, all fucking gone! My work, my income, ideas.....stolen! I was trying to hold it together, because it was a mommy week, but my kids kept hugging me. I put in our framily group chat and they jumped in to save me, my middle school / high school best friend Kimberly Howell said " You need to share this" my soul sister Safaa quietly listened as I was screaming and crying on the phone, my bestie Stephanie "B" Barnett bought me a new set of tools, no questions asked, my brother Garland just gave me his tools, everyone in the chats started rounding up things to help me Nia, Mike, Manny, Cliffy, Sadiyyah, Tiffanie.... there were even a few offered to kick ass, lol. The calls, prayers, positive words..... I love my fram, they love me through the crazy, crying and madness....and for the loser the stole my bag, I hope when you opened my bag and saw the crown royal bags I keep my tools in and thought you hit the jackpot, I only wish I could have seen your face when you realized what you jacked is worthless to a person like you. Still in motion Keyatta


  1. We will always and forever have one another's back #framily #love #support #shanks #just sayin


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