Soooooooooo don't tell me you voting for.........

Any one that has ever worked in any kind of bar and or restaurant knows the number one no no is no politics and no religion talk ever, lol. I feel like all elections are emotional, but this one is down right take not prisoners! In past elections it really hasn't effected me because I haven't let it, but again this year has been messy. After I left The Glenn Hotel, I started to work at another Marriott one, because I truly enjoy working for them and two to keep my discount. I generally work once a week, my regulars are chill, the business crowd is cool and the sports moms drinking wine between matches are awesome. One of my regulars I never would have pegged as a Trump supporter, and you know what, it's fine, I don't really judge people on things like that, but I had come to really like "Stan" (not going to use his real name on the chance he reads this), family man, loves his kids, even adopted a friend of his daughter, that happened to be black, enjoys wine, great tipper, funny, dream guest. One night I was the open and close bartender which is a very long shift. "Stan" is one of my last guests, my manager and I are closing down and "Stan" goes "Kee-Kee, who you voting for?" Me being a smart ass, I say " Kermit the frog and Ms. Piggy" a sever walked by chuckling. My manager was in and out closing and checking servers out. All of a sudden, he changed on me. He said "Don't tell me you're voting for Hilary!" I smiled and said "Ok". He hung his head, he goes on a rant about her being a liar, emails, Bill Clinton, blah, blah, blah. I continue to close the bar down, wiping bottles, he gets quiet. "Give me one reason why Trump wouldn't make a great president" I know I should have ignored him, but I put the bottle in my hand down and said, "Now why would I vote for a racist?" " What, he's not a racist, do you know how much he has done for the blacks" I chose to keep cleaning, by this time, my manager was back, "Stan" is now on his phone and he calls me over, "Let me show you something, come on" I looked at my manager and walked over, this man had a video from the 90's of Jessie Jackson running for president and Donald Trump supporting him by donating a building to his movement. I nod and continue cleaning, " See, see, he's not racist, he's real", I don't say a word. " Trump is about the people, all people, this was 17 years ago, nothing has changed!" I looked at him and said "Do you know how much can change is 30 minutes, let alone 17 years?" I started laughing. My manager walked over and said "Stop baiting him", across the bar "Stan" starts screaming "Donald Trump loves black people!" He chugs his wine, slams the glass and leaves. I wasn't sure if I should laugh or be scared. This all happened a few months ago, I am totally over it, but I think "Stan" is ashamed by his actions, he never makes eye contact with me and doesn't hang at the bar much any more. It's a shame, I don't hate him by any means, it just is another reason why rule number one in bartending chat is to NEVER talk politics or religion at your bar. Let the guest have it, it's never worth the fight. On that note, don't forget to vote.
Still in motion Keyatta


  1. Politics remind me of cyanide. It has its purpose, but it is designed to benefit those dishing it out, as opposed to those taking it in. I do my best to keep it out of my mouth.

    1. I agree, total lesson learned, even in these days after this passed election, I'm mute.


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