The night Prince died April 21, 2016

2016 was a year of a lot of highs and lows for many, but a low that was felt around the world and touched everyone was the night Prince died. It's one of those things when you remember exactly where you were, like 9-11...I can't say I was a die-hard fan to the point I have every album and followed him on tour, but I was a lover of his music and talent. In fact, I actually became more of a fan after I met Princes makeup artist. It was in 2008 at the bar downstair at a place I worked at called TROIS. I was cocktailing and there was this skinny white guy at the bar just kicking the drinks back, he was in town visiting family and he had come back from the bathroom and accidentally bumped into me. He apologized and sat back down at the bar, through the night he kept bumping me with his foot, arm, something so I finally stopped and asked him if he wanted my phone number all he had to do was ask, he didn't have to keep hitting me, lol. We shared a laugh, mainly because he was obviously gay, but he explained that his boss doesn't allow drinking, it was in his contract. My first thought was that your boss sucks, then I was thinking what the hell do you do? He must have read my face because he said I am Prince's makeup artist. In my head I was like Prince Prince, lol and again he must have read my face because he said Prince Prince. We chatted for a while and found out a lot about Prince like he wasn't a drinker or never did drugs (yeah....), his staff was until iron contracts, when he had an idea, song or thought, everyone was summoned to his house now matter when he or they were. I was fascinated. We chatted through the night and he went back home to Minnesota later that week. Even though I never saw him perform live, I was still heartbroken when he died. That night at work my GM asked me to create a special cocktail for the rest of the week and call it Purple Rain...I did a gin cocktail with creme de Yvette and egg white.
It sold pretty well, but it still didn't change the fact that the world lost a musical genius. In honor of his passing, I encourage us all to do something positive and in his honor, so rest in peace Prince, rest in peace. Still in motion Keyatta


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